The Framework
VirtualSellingXâ„¢ Custom
Curating Expertise is accomplished for the meeting through SHOWCASEâ„¢ CLIENTâ„¢ NOTICEâ„¢.
ENDEARMENTâ„¢ anticipates the creation of Curated Expertise in micro-stages to perfectly match this particular Buyer at this point in time.
CLIENTâ„¢ Live enables the Expert Seller to curate expertise live, turning any information shared by the Buyer into expertise curated instantly for this particular Buyer at this point in time.
Curated Expertise is delivered through CLIENTâ„¢ qualification and the LOGICALâ„¢ CURATEâ„¢ Method.
Curated Expertise includes the personal, one to one, timing of message delivery which InterSellingâ„¢ is designed for.
SERVICEâ„¢ uses the language of a Mission Partner to complement the delivery of solution expertise curated for the Buyer's problem.
GENERATEâ„¢ EVALUATEâ„¢ uses the Buyer's Own Wordsâ„¢ to accelerate the creation of Curated Expertise.
Being the Mission Partner.