The Framework
VirtualSellingXâ„¢ Custom
SHOWCASEâ„¢ delivers it through a Practice of perfect Meeting Design, including STUDIOâ„¢ design and HOMEWORKâ„¢ meeting planner.
Curating Expertise is accomplished for the meeting through SHOWCASEâ„¢ CLIENTâ„¢ NOTICEâ„¢.
SHOWCASEâ„¢ designs Incremental Value into the meeting through ENTERTAINERâ„¢ Agenda Design.
Matching where the Buyer is and what they need to believe at the end of the meeting is the purpose of SHOWCASEâ„¢ WISEâ„¢.
SHOWCASEâ„¢ designs the meeting around the Learning Experience, with SHOWCASEâ„¢ STORYâ„¢ to make it all make sense.
Creating high value concepts for the meeting, and Proofs that have Instant Point Clarity and Constant Point Clarity, is what SHOWCASEâ„¢ AGREEâ„¢ does.
SHOWCASEâ„¢ enables the confidence that only total meeting preparation delivers.
How to Design Any Meeting.