The Framework
VirtualSellingXâ„¢ Custom
The ENDEARMENTâ„¢ Practice structures each micro-stage for maximum Value Amplification for the Buyer's total Expert Buying Experienceâ„¢.
ENDEARMENTâ„¢ anticipates the creation of Curated Expertise in micro-stages to perfectly match this particular Buyer at this point in time.
The ENDEARMENTâ„¢ Practice allows for the delivery of high levels of Incremental Value in defined micro-stages such as the Net10 and the Dreamscape.
ENDEARMENTâ„¢ has two (2) micro-stages for each stage of the Buyer NEXUSâ„¢, anticipating and guiding the Buyer's Expert Buying Experienceâ„¢.
ENDEARMENTâ„¢ paces Buyer learning from Autonomous Value Articulation (AVA) to Buyers Equity Vision (BEV) to Corporate Objective ROI Acceptance (CORA).
Micro-stages allow the Expert Seller to structure Accelerated Collaboration and Accelerated Curation in managed intervals.
Delivering exactly what this particular Buyer needs at this point in time allows the Expert Seller to relax and convey enjoyment of the experience.
How to Sell in Micro-Stages.