How To Deliver An Exciting Sales Message In 30 Seconds
Designed from the GENERATE™ ESSENCE™ Method

GENERATE™ ESSENCE™ is the Action of building a summation of the Expert Seller's solution capabilities. Starting with the Executive Reference Statement (ERS). The value of having defined the ERS is in isolating the strengths of the solution by themselves. The ERS can then be versioned into multiple forms, and tuned to various applications and industries. It can be optimized, and prepared for ready adaption to "this particular Buyer at this point in time." The Elevator Message is a brief 30 second commercial for the Expert Seller's solution. This term comes from the fictitious situation where its used. In an elevator with the CEO or key contact from a Buyer's company. With just a few moments to convey Incremental Value the Expert Seller is then tasked with delivery of a statement which resonates well. The Elevator Message is a mechanism to practice the design and delivery of high impact, high value content. Designed from the GENERATE™ ESSENCE™ Method.