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Commodity Buying Experience

Why the Buyer hates it.
Commodity Buying Experience
The Commodity Buying Experience is the Buying Experience delivered to the Buyer as a result of the salesperson's use of the Default Sales Approach. In the Commodity Buying Experience, the Buyer must invest significant time and consideration, constrained in a sales-centric, usually in-person, sales process, and negotiate with the salesperson to get the solution expertise needed to learn why it is the best solution to their problem. The Buyer is treated as a Commodity, hence the name, and subjected to manipulation and pressure in the form of persistent interrogation, objection handling, and closing. Expertise is hoarded and used by salespeople to leverage continued consideration. The high cost and limited value received by the Buyer is the reason they do not like the experience, and why it is so difficult for salespeople to get their calls answered, emails returned, meetings booked and deals done.
The Not-Enough Problem
Not-Enough sales are being made, because Not-Enough Buyers have learned why your solution is the best solution to their problem, because Not-Enough Buyers will let you tell them, because Not-Enough Buyers like the experience they get from your sales effort.
The Buyer is ready to QUIT
The Buyer is always ready to QUIT. To Question Usefulness, Interest, or Truth (QUIT). Identifying an Apparently Inferior Option is easy, and happens once the Buyer follows a conscious doubt concerning the practicality, significance, or validity of the expertise, and/or the experience which delivers it; and limits, slows down or stops consideration altogether.
Salespeople Transmit Opposing Priorities
What causes all forward selling progress to stop? Salespeople who demonstrate to the Buyer that their interest is in solving their own problems, not the Buyer's. Salespeople Transmit Opposing Priorities (STOP) when they are pushing an objective the Buyer doesn't have, such as to close the deal, in a way the Buyer doesn't like, using objection handling, or similar pressure, causing the Buyer to limit, slow down or stop consideration altogether.
Logistical Exit Barrier
An in-person selling constraint, the Logistical Exit Barrier is the social constraint on ending the meeting early or abruptly as doing so presents a potential socially awkward moment, especially if the meeting is in-person, or if the salesperson questions why; often it's easier for the Buyer to just stay for the agreed upon duration.
Time Reallocation Barrier
Another in-person selling constraint, the Time Reallocation Barrier tends to discourage the Buyer from ending the meeting early. For one, the amount of time gained by the Buyer for doing so is not much, because they usually still need to walk the salesperson out, then get back to their office and set up to reallocate the saved time. Additionally, dealing with a potential emotional response from a salesperson who feels their time has been unfairly cut short makes the time saved even less worth the hassle.
Limited Alternative Constraint
An important in-person selling constraint, the Limited Alternative Constraint keeps the number of competitive alternatives the Buyer can consider to a low number. The time it takes to meet with a salesperson, discuss their needs, meet again for a presentation, and then again for a proposal and repeating that whole process two to three more times to make an informed buying decision is too costly to allow for too many alternatives to be considered.
Constraint Avoidance Counter-Measure
Constraint Avoidance Counter-Measures are responses by the Buyer to avoid being constrained as to their time, and to their choices. They don’t answer their phone, don’t reply to crummy cadence-driven email, don’t readily allocate half a day to sit in-person with a salesperson. Alternatively, they readily consider solution expertise curated for their specific problem and favor virtual meetings over in-person.
The Buyer is WEARY
The Buyer is WEARY. They Want Eligible Alternatives to Replace You (WEARY). The Buyer is open to any and all methods which offer a means to get their job done, to meet the demands of the Competitive Cliff, to satisfy the Clearly Superior Alternative Mandate and to respect Learning as Competitive Advantage. Especially if those means have a hope of mitigating the Botheration and waste of the sales-centric Commodity Buying Experience.
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