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Finally, Virtual Selling Sales Training for Industrial Sales
Industrial Buyers are tough. Selling to them virtually is even tougher.
Finally, there's Virtual Selling Sales Training for Industrial Sales Teams.
Finally, there's VirtualSellingX™.

In weekly private, custom sessions, Industrial Sellers learn to use virtual selling to open more doors, build relationships, and close more deals.
VirtualSellingX™ enables Sellers to format their approach for virtual.
Delivering an experience Buyers love, and which Sellers love to give.

Over 300 Customizable Courses

Open New Doors
Design and deliver messaging.

Build Relationships
The Mission Partner Buyers need.

Close More Deals
The Clearly Superior Alternative.
In Every Session

Live Trainers
Always live, Instructor-Led.

From Our Studio
Training in broadcast quality.

Team breakout sessions.
What Customers say
Amplify In-person
Meet Buyers in the morning. And again in the afternoon. Or the next day.
Amplify your in-person sales effort.
We help you integrate virtual selling with your In-person sales approach. Create massive momentum. And keep your deals on track.

"Love the efficiency and it is useful."
"Greatest sales approach in a century."
"The interaction during breakouts is key"
Your Plan, Your Way

Private Sales Training
Your own team schedule.

Your Coaching
Get individual attention.

Your Training Portal
Your recordings and reports.

Turn Dead Air to Gold

Dead air is the space between in-person meetings. When nothing is working for you and your competition is working against you.
InterSelling™ puts that time to work for you. It's just one of the seven practices in VirtualSellingX™.
Amplify In-person
Meet Buyers in the morning. And again in the afternoon. Or the next day.
Amplify your in-person sales effort.
We help you integrate virtual selling with your In-person sales approach. Create massive momentum. And keep your deals on track.

Open New Doors

Get virtual meetings when Buyers can't, or won't, give an in-person meeting.
See remote Buyers. Hard to reach Buyers. Buyers in competitive installs.
We'll train you to use email, phone and LinkedIn® to get more virtual meetings, and open more new doors.
Outsell Competitors
Your competition flew everyone in for that big meeting with your Buyer.
Boot up Zoom® and meet immediately after they leave. Use VirtualSellingX™ and deflate their impact.
We'll show you how VirtualSellingX™ keeps competitors contained, closed down and shut out.

Max Trade Shows

Pack your booth. Close more deals.
We'll train you to use VirtualSellingX™ leading up to the show. To build anticipation. To book appointments and get Buyers running to your booth.
We'll show you how to use VirtualSellingX™ after the show to meet remote Buyers and close deals.
Triple Buyer Access
Meeting every decision-maker in-person is tough. Some can't, other's won't. But all will meet virtually.
2 hours driving, or 10 hours flying. Saved. Every virtual meeting.
We'll work with you to use that time to sell more. Holding more meetings with Buyers. And closing more deals.

What Customers say
"Kevin delivers the training in an easy to understand, yet thought provoking manner. It is extremely well organized to the smallest detail. Kevin is always flexible and accommodating"
"Greatest sales approach in a century."
"I love it as it gives the strongest value to the Customer at the lowest cost to the Customer. I get to add 200% gains into my available time to sell."
"I now have a real good sense of how to act in front of the camera. Specially of what I am not suppose to do!"
"Kevin does a great Job presenting information in a unique manner to appeal to a well seasoned team. I look forward to the next session every week"
"Virtual Selling will allow us to grow our business more effectively and quickly, resulting in increased sales and revenue."
"The methodical, hyper analytical aspect of the modules. It has given me a whole new way of looking at the way to sell"
"Kevin is very likeable and professional. He has excellent communication skills and shows up well prepared for each lesson. He has adopted a personal training style that works well"
"Virtual selling offers many benefits such as eliminating costly expenses such as business development travel and office space."
Buyers Demand It

Buyers are under huge pressure to buy the best solution. They need your expertise, but don’t have much time for you to give it.
So between meetings, they forget. Competitors confuse. Interest cools. Deals derail. Selling virtually between in-person meetings fixes this.
But your team sells virtually, same as they sell in-person. It doesn't work.
Virtual is different. Conversations are different. Rapport is different. Questions are different. Presenting is different.
Everyone agrees virtual is different. But who knows what to do about it? We do.

Close Deals Faster

When Buyers need expertise, they want it fast not slow. And when they get it fast, Buyers move fast, buy fast.
We'll train you to design and deliver your expertise virtually. To thrill Buyers and close deals sooner, and faster.
Be Virtual. Sell More.
Our Virtual Selling Sales Training is delivered virtually, live, Instructor-Led.
Your Sellers stay in the field. They can instantly apply what they learn, to sell more, and faster.
No travel, no hotels. And best of all, no time taken out of the field.

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